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All parties agreed to put forward an agreement on joint application of National Key Research and Development Scheme, Strategic/ Intergovernmental International Cooperation in Science and Technology Innovation Program with the project title XXXX and reached the following agreement.,{1ag T€TSO膥bT筫 Ta1u萒\鑞錧 z'Yf[\O:Ny橆v剉漁XbUSMO XXXX XXXX\O:Ny橆v剉T\OUSMO0Article 1 Research Group CompositionThe parties agreed to form a research group, with Harbin Engineering University as the group leader, XXX XXX (Country) as the group member.,{2ag T€TSOR錧蔛y橆v?嵑NT€TSOT筫剉鸑R錧俌 N萒\鑞錧 z'Yf[y橆vur4YUSMO xvz貧wm礠 N*侺坔V(W陙珟黐*偩Y0鄀縹c銷0顅h酧o`_黐ag鯪 N剉陙;NgOS6R€b/g4l餢0茐蓧0黐*YKb祂酧o`崌T蔛6R黐€b/g 瀃皊Qe鬰:ghV篘(W4lb検S4l N剉*侺堻[_婳 萒\鑞錧 z'Yf[y橆v?嵑NXXXYe坈/oRYe坈XXXX'Yf[0xvz@bI{ xvzXXXX€b/g 瀃皊XXXXXXX'Yf[0xvz@bI{ y橆v?嵑NArticle 2 Role of each partyThe tasks of the parties are as follows:Harbin Engineering University: project leader; optimization control technology of underwater rescue robot on the basis of its navigation sensor, wireless command, target guidance information in a high sea state; underwater acoustic, above-water visual and navigation information fusion and homing guidance technology, prototype design and development.Project Leader of Harbin Engineering University: XXX (Professor, Associate professor)XXXXuniversity, institute, company .: XXXX.Project Leader of XXXXuniversity, institute, company : XXX (Professor, Associate professor),{3ag y橆v蟸9RM懯Sb舃T筫1\鍕y橆v剉齎鑒Ny樝~9RM懯S陙y{M慦YD嵮b鷭俌 N c齎禰 N鑒蟸9崉v~vR詋nx歔 漁XbUSMO萒\鑞錧 z'Yf[`S詋XXXXXvQ諲T耂NUSMO `S詋X @b gY筫剉褃x蔛瀃寶9?u1u萒\鑞錧 z'Yf[b舃0 cgqcWS亯Bl 1uXXXlQ鳶USMO 衏汷XXNCQ\O:N,gy橆v剉M慦Y陙y{蟸9 v^衏汷鴙擽M慦Y陙y{翄f0鍌,gy橆v穬梍yb芉藌y y橆v瀃E杫b芉剉蟸9崫槮^儚3ufN裇u豐S鰁 y橆v蟸9崫槮^錘褃€b钀 N緩剉鸑T T fN:N芉0Article 3 Funding allocation and commitmentThe parties agreed the allocation of the government funding as follows: Harbin Engineering University X%, XX (other member) XX%,.In accordance with the guidelines, XXX (company) is to provide XXX RMB yuan as self-fund to the project.If the approved funding is different from the origin, the parties should take the actual funding approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology as the final result.,{4ag 鍂茓Cgt4.1漁XbUSMONT\OUSMO(W3u鲖,gy橆vKNMRT陙@b穬梍剉鍂茓Cg蔛鴙擽Cg蕍GWR_T陙@b g N郪qQ T3u鲖,gy橆v €9e豐04.2郪3u鲖y橆v剉梺 T陙T鵞筫衏汷剉*glQ_剉0b(W衏汷KNMR騗JT鍂N齹T,{ N筫衏汷剉N,gy橆v鴙sQ剉€b/gD崣e0pencI{@b g酧o` S靊FONP枎NT陙@b gbT誰錬 g剉鸑UO梴:g z廭0鉔x0梴誰0lQ_0菑 z0聣鮛0h0gqGr06R0緥0罷07h罷0裇fR S靊裇f0瀃(u癳媁孴Y聣緥 鄀簨/f&T穬梍N)R 0€b/g貀芠0HrCg0FUh0罷x裇R0剺Km0V{eu0膲0瀃Eb\o(WFUN;m≧剉酧o`07bN汷擽FUTUS0"崱R婲y0^:W%暋RI{€b/g0FU N剉酧o`I{0*g蟸衏汷筫 Ta N梍衏汷賬,{ N筫0N,g3u鲖/f&T穬梍D崺R 鍕ag>kg gHe04.3郪3u鲖,gy橆v剉梺 T陙T鵞筫衏汷剉鴙sQ酧o` N刧bT鵞筫坈圢鸑UOsQ嶯N)R0W刓OCg0FUhCgI{鍂茓Cg剉笅颯L圍N0Article 4 Intellectual Property4.1 The intellectual property rights and the corresponding rights and interests obtained by the parties prior to the application of this project shall be owned by their respective owners, and shall not be changed because of the joint application of this project.4.2 Because of the need to apply for the project, one party may provide unpublished information to other parties related to the project. Includes, but not limited to all their own legal intellectual property of any computer program, code, algorithm, formula, process, concept, diagram, photographs, drawings, design, products, samples, invention or creation (including the inventions, utility models and designs, whether patented), technical secrets, copyright, trademarks, product development strategy, plan, forecasting, specification, actual or potential business information, customer and supplier list, financial matters, marketing plan, business information, etc. Without the consent of the supplier, any party shall not provide them to any third party. Regardless the application is funded or not, this term is valid.4.3 Due to the application of the project, the relevant information provided to other party does not constitute a license to the party on the patent, copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights.,{5ag e圗QOS畫b塏畫銐砆濺誰5.1鍌y橆v穬梍yb芉 T€TSOT筫擽(W,gOS畫鶺@x N鍿L垀{y橆v鸑T T fN蔛T€T瀃絜OS畫 鵞槝gbL埱 z-N剉#岰g)R蹚L堲fhQb梽v歔05.2(W3u鲖菑 z-N裇u塏畫 T€TSOT筫擽S_OSFU銐砆0T筫N?aOSFU0屻夈壋Qb€OSFU0屻Nb剉 FU歔3u鲖1u萒\鑞^騈翀訷XTO騈翀0Article 5 Supplemental agreement or dispute resolution5.1 If the project is approved, the parties should sign the separate contract based on the agreement, which is a more comprehensive agreement of the rights and responsibilities on the implementation of the project. 5.2 In case of any dispute in the application process, the parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. If the parties do not wish to negotiate and mediate, or the settle of the dispute or the mediation can not be made, the dispute should be submitted to Harbin Arbitration Commission.,{6ag gHeg6.1,gOS畫N_X齆 T€TSOT筫Tgb2齆 2齆(u嶯y橆v3u wQ g TI{誰媉He汻06.2,gOS畫陙T\O筫~{W[KN錯wuHe  gHeg髞y橆v3u孾bKN錯y橆v3u穬梍yb芉藌yT T筫\~{T€T瀃絜OS畫0Article 6 Term of validity6.1 This Agreement shall be made in 16 copies, each party shall hold 2 copies, and the rest 2 copies shall be used for the project application, all of which shall have the same legal effect.6.2 This Agreement shall come into force as of the date of signing parties, the agreement is valid until the date of completion of the project; After the project is approved, the parties should sign a joint implementation agreement.錘 N鄀ck噀 l弤{鄗u0The following is intentionally left blank. ,gu樴eck噀This page is blank and for signature only 萒\鑞錧 z'Yf[lQ鄗 Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityUSMO誰篘b訷Xb鉔t篘~{W[Signature of Authorized AgentUSMO誰篘b訷Xb鉔t篘L€Position of Authorized Agent:鰁魰 Date XXX'Yf[bUSMO lQ鄗 駛韹T饄USMO誰篘b訷Xb鉔t篘~{W[Signature of Authorized AgentUSMO誰篘b訷Xb鉔t篘L€Position of Authorized Agent:鰁魰 Date PAGE 8:FHTVt v 胥涨公潖厈qf\RH>4CJ(aJ(5並H,\CJ(aJ(5並H,\CJ(aJ(5並H,\CJaJ5並H,\CJaJ5並H,\CJo(aJ5並H,\CJaJ5並H,\CJaJ5並H,\CJaJ5並H,\CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$5 2 4 6 x  " & . 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